Bucks for Bush is our online fundraiser where we get to keep 100% of the proceeds. Direct contributions remove the need to work with outside companies, which typically retain a huge percentage of proceeds. Every dollar we raise through Bucks for Bush will be invested back into our school, for things such as curriculum enhancements, innovative tools for students, classroom grants and improvements to our playground.
100% of the funds were invested back into our school
Thanks to your generosity, we paid for things that are not covered by District funds, such as Chromebook carts, technology maintenance, classroom supplies for our teachers, learning tools, and student celebrations, among other things. Check out Our Impact page to see how funds were allocated. We celebrated our achievements with a fun run, Jingle Bell Run, a pizza party for the class that raised the most, fun dress-up days for the grade levels the raised the most, ice cream sandwiches, a glow dance party and first in line to shop at our Bush Store.
We have improved Bucks for Bush for the 2024-25 school year with an online platform that will allow families to create a page for their student, see how much money their student is raising, and accumulate incentives as they go. Similar to Boosterthon but minus the fees we had to pay Booster.
Cement Your Fourth Grader's Legacy at Bush Elementary
In 2023, we launched our Legacy Fourth Grader & Alumni Brick Program with Bucks for Bush. Each brick is personalized and cemented along one of the playground walls. This is a special opportunity to cement your Bobcat's legacy and sharing their memory engraved on a brick for future generations to see. Each brick is $120 and purchase includes personalization and installation. All proceeds benefit Bush Elementary's playground fund with a portion of the purchase tax deductible. Sales will open again this fall.
Do you know that your employer may match your donation to the Bush PTO?
Bush PTO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Many companies in the area encourage employees to participate in charitable giving. These companies oftentimes match employee contributions throughout the year, especially, around the holidays. All you need is a few minutes to fill out your employer matching request and provide them with information about Bush PTO. Use the resources below to look up if your employer is on the list or to inquire with your employer. If you have any questions about the process, please contact: Danielle Dobecka, VP of Fundraising, at fundraising@BushPTO.com.